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ZZ/5 - Generic committee reference used for BSI Standards Solutions projects

Sector: Sustainability

Categories: Heaters. Other | Hydrogen technologies | Data communication networks | Trucks and trailers | Management. Human resources | Animal husbandry and breeding | Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment | Rubber and plastics products. Other | Pipelines | Road engineering. General | Central heating | Services. Consumers | Domestic and commercial equipment. Miscellaneous | Food industry. Processes | Postal services | Biological and alternative energy sources | Air quality | Road vehicles. Internal combustion engines. General | Electric road vehicles | Certification. Conformity assessment | Purchasing. Procurement. Logistics | Cells and batteries. Other | | Wastes. Other | Cells and batteries. General | Standardization. General rules | Soils. Examination. General | Valves | Industrial gases | | Company organization and management. Other | Fish and fishery products | Road vehicles. General | Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance | Control components | Refrigerating technology | Transport. Road | Wastes. General | Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar | Gas supply | Packaging and distribution. General | Plastics | Environmental economics | Information technology. General | Energy and heat transfer engineering. General | Environmental impact assessment | | Company organization and management. General | Product life-cycles | Pollution, pollution control and conservation | Home economics. General | Environment and environmental protection. General | Environmental protection. Other | Services. Other | Cereals, pulses and derived products | Food additives | Street lighting | Recycling | Thermal insulation | Contractual aspects | Publishing | Air quality. General | Research and development | Ambient atmospheres | Fluid systems and components | Plastics. General

Overview: Generic committee reference used for BSI Standards Solutions projects

Committee standards activity

In Progress (11)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PAS XXX:2024 PAS 1401:2025 Nature-Inclusive Marine Structures - Code of practice

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2024-01-12
PAS 7770 Energy-related consumer products - Environmental performance as sessment - Guide

Categories: Unclassified documents

Approval begins : 2024-04-16
PAS 7342 PAS 7342:2024 Product fund – Assessment, monitoring, labelling and communication of su stainable investment funds – Specification

Categories: Unclassified documents

Public comment begins : 2024-05-28
Public comment
PAS 51215-2 Energy and net zero assessment – Competencies of lead assessors and assessment teams – Specification

Categories: Unclassified documents

Approval begins : 2024-05-29
PAS 51215-1 Energy and net zero assessment – Process – Specification

Categories: Unclassified documents

Approval begins : 2023-10-19
PAS 1948:2020 Diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace - Code of Practice

Categories: Unclassified documents

Approval begins : 2023-03-31
PA FLEXXXXXV 1.0:2024 Space sustainability - Launch operations - Guide

Categories: Unclassified documents

Proposal begins :
Flex XXXX v1.0:2024 Space sustainability - Overarching principles and framework - Guide

Categories: Unclassified documents

Proposal begins :
Construction Products 2b Construction Products 2b

Categories: Unclassified documents

Proposal begins :
BSIFLEX 3030 BSIFLEX 3030 Net zero transition plans – Code of practice

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2024-07-02
Published (33)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PAS 96:2017 Guide to protecting and defending food and drink from deliberate attack

Categories: Food industry. Processes

Published standard begins : 2017-11-16
Published standard
PAS 9017:2020+C1 SPANISH TRANSLATION Plastics. Biodegradation of polyolefins in an open-air terrestrial environment. Specification. Biodegredation of polyofelins in an open-air terrestrial environment Specification

Categories: Plastics. General

Published standard begins : 2023-01-18
Published standard
PAS 808:2022 Purpose-driven organizations. Worldviews, principles and behaviours for delivering sustainability. Guide

Categories: Company organization and management. General | | Environmental protection. Other

Published standard begins : 2022-07-08
Published standard
PAS 7341:2020 Responsible and sustainable investment management. Specification

Categories: Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance

Published standard begins : 2020-10-21
Published standard
PAS 7060:2021 Electric vehicles. Safe and environmentally-conscious design and use of batteries. Guide

Categories: Electric road vehicles

Published standard begins : 2021-01-28
Published standard
PAS 7055:2021 Button and coin batteries. Safety requirements. Specification

Categories: Cells and batteries. Other | Packaging and distribution. General

Published standard begins : 2021-04-29
Published standard
PAS 5420:2023 Liquid fuels. Sustainable bioliquid fuels for use in fixed combustion applications for heating, hot water and cooking. Specification

Categories: Environmental economics | Biological and alternative energy sources

Published standard begins : 2023-04-24
Published standard
PAS 51215:2014 Energy efficiency assessment. Competence of a lead energy assessor. Specification


Published standard begins : 2014-06-03
Published standard
PAS 510:2021 Plastic pellets, flakes and powders. Handling and management throughout the supply chain to prevent their leakage to the environment. Specification

Categories: Plastics | Pollution, pollution control and conservation | Rubber and plastics products. Other

Published standard begins : 2021-07-05
Published standard
PAS 4443:2024 Assessment criteria: Ancillary valves, devices and components used in hydrogen gas installations. Specification

Categories: Valves | Control components | Industrial gases

Published standard begins : 2024-04-11
Published standard
Withdrawn (18)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD 6900:2015 Environmental impact assessment for offshore renewable energy projects. Guide

Categories: Environmental impact assessment | Energy and heat transfer engineering. General

Withdrawn begins : 2023-01-27
PAS 96:2014 Guide to protecting and defending food and drink from deliberate attack

Categories: Food industry. Processes

Withdrawn begins : 2017-11-17
PAS 9017:2020 Plastics. Biodegradation of polyolefins in an open-air terrestrial environment. Specification

Categories: Plastics. General

Withdrawn begins : 2021-10-05
PAS 777:2013 Specification for the qualification and labelling of used automotive engines and any related transmission units

Categories: Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment | Road vehicles. Internal combustion engines. General

Withdrawn begins : 2024-04-03
PAS 7340:2020 Framework for embedding the principles of sustainable finance in financial services organizations. Guide

Categories: Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance

Withdrawn begins : 2023-06-14
PAS 7100:2018 Code of practice on consumer product safety related recalls and other corrective actions: Part I: Business Part II: Regulators

Categories: Services. Consumers | Home economics. General

Withdrawn begins : 2019-12-20
PAS 7061:2020 Batteries for vehicle propulsion electrification. Safe and environmentally-conscious handling of battery packs and modules. Code of practice

Categories: Cells and batteries. General | Road vehicles. General

Withdrawn begins : 2021-01-15
PAS 66:2014 Official identification eartags for sheep and goats. Specification

Categories: Animal husbandry and breeding | Domestic and commercial equipment. Miscellaneous

Withdrawn begins : 2019-12-23
PAS 44:2014 Official identification eartags for cattle. Specification

Categories: Animal husbandry and breeding

Withdrawn begins : 2019-12-23
PAS 233:2021 Zinc enriched wheat, maize and rice grain. Specification

Categories: Cereals, pulses and derived products

Withdrawn begins : 2021-09-09