Maintenance will be taking place for Standards Development on Wednesday 26th March between *08:00 and 14:00* UK time. Standards Development will be unavailable or will have limited functionality during this time. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused during this essential maintenance work.

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British Standards Institution - Help


Who we are and what we do

BSI is the UK's National Standards Body (NSB). We represent UK economic and social interests across all European and international standards organizations. We work with many different industries, businesses, governments and consumers to develop British, European and international standards. The Standards Development portal contains information on all of the standards under development and proposed standards with which BSI are involved.

Standards are developed by dedicated panels of experts, within technical committees. A standard undergoes various stages of development, beginning with the Proposal stage, which is aimed at affirming the market need for a standard. Once a proposal for a standard is approved, the relevant panel of experts in the area is tasked with drafting the standard, as per internationally agreed principles of standards development.

As soon as a draft is mature enough, it undergoes public consultation when it is made available for anyone to view and comment (Public comment stage). Every public comment BSI receives on a draft standard is considered by the relevant panel of experts and BSI staff and the final published standard is updated as appropriate.

Following public consultation and before a draft can become a published standard, it undergoes further edits until the panel is satisfied with its quality and only when consensus has been reached.

How to get the most out of this site

By using this website, you can stay up to date with the progress of standards that affect you and your subject area and have some influence over the development of industry-shaping standards (see How to get involved with standards section below).

First, register following the on-screen instructions. Once you have successfully registered, you can login in to read and comment on proposed and draft standards. You can also go into your Account to update information about yourself, change your password and manage your notifications.

If you have difficulty in submitting comments on draft standards you can use a commenting template and email it to The commenting template can be found here.

If you already have an account with one of our other BSI products (BSI Knowledge, BSOL, Compliance Navigator), you can use the same login details for Standards Development.

You can find information, such as what stage of development a standard is currently at or what standards a technical committee is involved with, by using the search bar available on every page. You can also browse standards by category via the Categories menu item.

Please, note that any future dates provided against standards in development are strictly estimates. Accordingly, BSI cannot accept liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from a reliance on this information and users should seek appropriate advice before proceeding on the basis of it.

How to get involved with standards

A published standard is the result of months of collaborative work between BSI and a wide variety of interested parties. Find out more about how standards are made.

There are a number of different ways that you can be involved in helping to develop standards. By using this website, you can:

If a standard is at ‘Proposal’ or ‘Public comment’ stage, you can submit your feedback on it by going to the relevant standard profile page and following the on-screen instructions and guidance.

When commenting on draft standards, use the ‘Comment on this section’ field to make your comments and the ‘Proposed changes’ field for any clarification and to make a suggestion for improvement. Your comment is more likely to be accepted if a constructive alternative is provided. There are three types of comments you can add:

If you have an idea for a new standard, you can submit it to our standardization experts.

When you have finished using the Standards Development Portal, you can safely logout.

Find out more

You may also want to find out more about:

You can also read more about the benefits of standards and governance and the principles of standardization.

For further queries and information regarding:

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