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PEL/57 - Power systems management and associated information exchange

Sector: Sustainability

Categories: Electric furnaces | Interface and interconnection equipment | Electrical equipment. Special conditions. Other | | Data communication networks | Cells and batteries. Primary | Electrical wires and cables. General | Electroacoustics | Coaxial cables. Waveguides | Cells and batteries. Alkaline secondary | Switchgear and controlgear. High voltage | Networking | Cables | IT applications. Information, documentation and publishing | Measurement. Electrical and magnetic | IT applications. Other | Application layer | Noise. Machines and equipment | Emission | Piezoelectric devices | Resistors | Lines, connections and circuits | Cells and batteries. Other | IT applications. Transport and trade | Fire protection equipment | Printed circuits and boards | Resistors. General | Alarm and warning systems | Measurement. Electrical and magnetic quantities | Law. Administration | Power transmission and distribution networks. Other equipment | Power transmission and distribution lines | Nuclear power plants. Safety | Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering | Electricity supply | Network layer | Multilayer applications | Trade. Commercial function. Marketing | Electrical accessories. Other | Measurement. Radiation | Switching and signalling systems | Video systems | Power stations | Industrial automation systems. General | Nuclear energy. General | Telecommunications. General | Substations. Surge arresters | Conduits | Wires. Symmetrical cables | Welding. Equipment | Telecontrol. Telemetering | Semiconductor devices. General | Energy and heat transfer engineering. General | Integrated circuits. Microelectronics | Power transmission and distribution networks. General | Hydraulic energy engineering | Electric power systems. Control equipment | IT applications. Industry | Capacitors. Power | Insulation systems | Solar energy engineering | Data link layer | | Software | Industrial process measurement and control | Electrical engineering | Television receivers | Ships and marine structures. Electrical equipment | Resistors. Variable and potentiometers.

Overview: Under the direction of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee, is responsible for the UK input to IEC/TC 57 and CLC/SR 57 for telecontrol, teleprotection and associated telecommunications equipment and systems such as power line carrier, used in the planning, operation and maintenance of electric power systems together with ripple control receivers.

Committee standards activity

In Progress (58)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PNW TS 8B-209 ED1: Guidelines for the operation and control of microgrid clusters

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules

Proposal begins : 2024-03-06
PNW TS 8B-209 ED1 Guidelines for the operation and control of microgrid clusters

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules

Proposal begins : 2024-03-14
PNW PAS 57-2756 ED1: Role-based access control - Definition of roles and permissions for engineering

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules

Proposal begins : 2025-02-07
PD IEC/TS 63389 Ed.1.0 Developing a profile composed of a set of Basic Application Profiles (BAPs) of IEC 61850 for DER compliant to IEEE 1547

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2025-04-17
PD IEC/TS 62351-15 Ed.1.0 Power systems management and associated information exchange - Data and communications security. Part 15: Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) of encrypted communications

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2025-07-11
PD IEC/TS 61970-600-2 Ed.1.0 PD IEC/TS 61970-600-2 Ed.1.0 Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API). Part 600-2: Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) - Exchange profiles specification

Categories: Unclassified documents

Approval begins :
PD IEC/TS 61970-600-1 Ed.1.0 PD IEC/TS 61970-600-1 Ed.1.0 Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API). Part 600-1: Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) - Structure and rules

Categories: Unclassified documents

Approval begins :
PD IEC/TS 61850-90-31 Ed.1.0 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Part 90-31: Use Cases for Dynamic Data model

Categories: Unclassified documents

Drafting begins : 2025-07-11
PD IEC/TS 61850-90-16 Ed.1.0 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. - Part 90-16: System management for IEC 61850

Categories: Unclassified documents

Approval begins :
PD IEC/TS 61850-80-7 Ed.1.0 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Part 80-7: Communication services and data model to support IEC 61850 system management

Categories: Unclassified documents

Public comment begins :
Public comment
Published (142)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD IEC/TS 62746-3:2015 Systems interface between customer energy management system and the power management system. Architecture

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2015-10-27
Published standard
PD IEC/TS 62361-102:2018 Power systems management and associated information exchange. Interoperability in the long term. CIM. IEC 61850 harmonization

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2018-04-18
Published standard
PD IEC/TS 62056-1-1:2016 Electricity metering data exchange. The DLMS/COSEM suite. Template for DLMS/COSEM communication profile standards

Categories: Measurement. Electrical and magnetic | Networking | Electricity supply

Published standard begins : 2016-05-11
Published standard
PD IEC/TS 61968-14:2015 Application integration at electric utilities. System interfaces for distribution management. MultiSpeak. CIM harmonization

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2016-01-25
Published standard
PD IEC/TS 61850-80-4:2016 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Translation from the COSEM object model (IEC 62056) to the IEC 61850 data model

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2016-03-30
Published standard
PD IEC/TS 61850-80-1:2016 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Guideline to exchanging information from a CDC-based data model using IEC 60870-5-101 or IEC 60870-5-104

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2016-08-11
Published standard
PD IEC/TS 61850-7-7:2018 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Machine-processable format of IEC 61850-related data models for tools

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2018-04-12
Published standard
PD IEC/TS 60870-5-604:2016 Telecontrol equipment and systems. Conformance test cases for the IEC 60870-5-104 companion standard

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2016-06-29
Published standard
PD IEC/TS 60870-5-601:2015 Telecontrol equipment and systems. Transmission protocols. Conformance test cases for the IEC 60870-5-101 companion standard

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2015-10-30
Published standard
PD IEC/TR 62746-2:2015 Systems interface between customer energy management system and the power management system. Use cases and requirements

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Published standard begins : 2015-05-15
Published standard
Withdrawn (110)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD IEC/TS 62351-5:2013 Power systems management and associated information exchange. Data and communications security. Security for IEC 60870-5 and derivatives

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Withdrawn begins : 2023-12-06
PD IEC/TS 62325-503:2014 Framework for energy market communications. Market data exchanges guidelines for the IEC 62325-351 profile

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Withdrawn begins : 2018-11-13
PD IEC/TS 62257-1:2013 Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification. General introduction to IEC 62257 series and rural electrification

Categories: Solar energy engineering

Withdrawn begins : 2015-12-11
PD IEC/TS 61970-600-2:2017 Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API). Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES). Exchange profiles specification

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Withdrawn begins : 2021-08-11
PD IEC/TS 61970-600-1:2017 Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API). Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES). Structure and rules

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Withdrawn begins : 2021-08-12
PD IEC/TS 60870-5-7:2013 Telecontrol equipment and systems. Transmission protocols. Security extensions to IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104 protocols (applying IEC 62351)

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Withdrawn begins : 2025-03-21
PD IEC/TR 62357-1:2012 Power systems management and associated information exchange. Reference architecture

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Withdrawn begins : 2019-02-05
PD IEC/TR 62195:2002 Power system control and associated communications. Deregulated energy market communications

Categories: Power transmission and distribution networks. General | Telecontrol. Telemetering | IT applications. Transport and trade

Withdrawn begins : 2005-04-13
PD IEC/TR 61850-90-7:2013 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Object models for power converters in distributed energy resources (DER) systems

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Withdrawn begins : 2023-10-15
PD IEC/TR 61850-90-4:2013 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. Network engineering guidelines

Categories: Telecontrol. Telemetering

Withdrawn begins : 2020-06-04