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Search for "Motors" returned 57 standards result(s)

Reference Standards description Committee Status
BS EN IEC 60349-2 BS EN 60349-2 Electric traction - Rotating electrical machines for rail and road vehicles. Part 2: Electronic converter-fed alternating current motors
Categories: Motors | Electric traction equipment | Road vehicles. General | Railway rolling stock. General
GEL/9 Railway Electrotechnical Applications Public comment
BS EN IEC 60034-26 ED.2 BS EN 60034-26 ED.2 Rotating electrical machines. Part 26: Effects of unbalanced voltages on the performance of three-phase cage induction motors
Categories: Rotating machinery. General | Motors
PEL/2 Rotating electrical machinery Public comment
BS EN IEC 60034-30-1 ED2 BS EN 60034-30-1 ED2 Rotating electrical machines -. Part 30-1: Efficiency classes of line operated AC motors (IE code)
Categories: Rotating machinery. General | Motors
PEL/2 Rotating electrical machinery Comment resolution
BS EN IEC 61800-9-2:2025 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems (PDS). Ecodesign for motor systems. Energy efficiency determination and classification
Categories: Switchgear and controlgear. General | Motors | Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supply
PEL/22 Power electronics Published standard
BS EN IEC 60034-12:2024 Rotating electrical machines. Starting performance of single-speed three-phase cage induction motors
Categories: Rotating machinery. General | Motors
PEL/2 Rotating electrical machinery Published standard
PD CLC IEC/TS 60034-25:2024 Rotating electrical machines. AC electrical machines used in power drive systems. Application guide
Categories: Rotating machinery. General | Motors
PEL/2 Rotating electrical machinery Published standard
BS EN 61800-9-1 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems. - Part 9-1: Ecodesign for power drive systems, motor starters, power electronics and their driven applications - General requirements for setting energy efficiency standards for power driven equipment using the extended product approach (EPA) and semi analytic model (SAM)
Categories: Switchgear and controlgear. General | Motors | Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supply
PEL/22 Power electronics Public comment
BS EN IEC 60034-30-3:2024 Rotating electrical machines. Efficiency classes of high voltage AC motors (IE-code)
Categories: Rotating machinery. General | Rotating machines. Components | Motors
PEL/2 Rotating electrical machinery Published standard
PD IEC TS 60034-25:2022 Rotating electrical machines. AC electrical machines used in power drive systems. Application guide
Categories: Motors
PEL/2 Rotating electrical machinery Withdrawn
BS EN IEC 61800-2:2021 Adjustable speed electrical power drive system. General requirements. Rating specifications for adjustable speed AC power drive systems
Categories: Motors | Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilized power supply
PEL/22 Power electronics Published standard