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Find out what cookies we use and how to disable themThis part of IEC 60349 applies to converter-fed alternating current motors forming part of the equipment of electrically propelled rail and road vehicles, with exception of those synchronous electrical machines that are in the scope of Part 4.The object of this part is to enable the performance of a motor to be confirmed by tests and to provide a basis for assessment of its suitability for a specified duty and for comparison with other motors.This part also applies to motors installed on trailers hauled by powered vehicles.The basic requirements of this part may be applied to motors for special purpose vehicles such as mine locomotives but this part does not cover flameproof or other special features that may be required.It is not intended that this part apply to motors on small road vehicles, such as battery-fed delivery vehicles, factory trucks, etc. This part also does not apply to minor machines such as windscreen wiper motors, etc. that may be used on all types of vehicles.The electrical input to motors covered by this part comes from an electronic converter.At the time of drafting, only the following combinations of motors and converters had been used for traction applications, but it may also apply to other combinations which may be used in the future:– asynchronous motors fed by electronic converters;– synchronous motors with wound rotor fed by electronic converters.The motors covered by this part are classified as follows Traction motors (Motors for propelling rail or road vehicles).The machines covered by this part are classified as follows:a) Traction motorsMotors for propelling rail or road vehicles, to which this International Standard applies from clause 2 to Annex E.b) Auxiliary motorsMotors for driving compressors, fans, pumps, auxiliary generators or other auxiliary machines, to which this International Standard and other IEC publications apply according to Annex F (normative).
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