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The UK government has introduced a new product regulation regime, introducing designated standards which support conformity with the relevant UKCA marking regulation in Great Britain. New or revised standards for designation published after 1 January 2021 contain information about the new UK regulations for Great Britain and for Northern Ireland within the national foreword. Find out more here.
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Hazard identification and risk assessment of amusement facilities
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"Personal eye-equipment - High performance visors intended only for use with protective helmets"
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Electrical and electronic installations in ships - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
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ISO 17649 Automation systems and integration. Model-based standards authoring
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ISO 7240-1 Fire detection and alarm systems. Part 1: General and definitions
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ISO 1825 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for aircraft ground fuelling and defuelling. Specification
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ISO 32000-2:2020/DAmd 1 Document management. Portable document format. Part 2: PDF 2.0. Amendment 1
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Cardiovascular implants. Cardiac valve prostheses. General requirements
Cardiovascular implants. Cardiac valve prostheses. Surgically implanted heart valve substitutes