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Decision 04/2023 - Decision 4/2023 to adopt NWI for an amend Seals and diaphragms for gas appliances and gas equipment


The scope of EN 549+ A1 will not be modified

The intended Amendment, consisting of two informative Annexes, specify optional additional requirements and associated test methods for rubber materials used in gas installations, gas equipment and gas appliances that are intended to be used in contact with hydrogen (H2) or (r)DME.


Within the energy transition hydrogen and (r)DME and (r)DME-blends are playing an important role. The gas definition according to EN 437 does not consider hydrogen (H2) and (r)DME within the gas families, yet. Therefor the normative scope of EN 549+A1:2023 does not cover H2 application.

These informative annexes specify optional additional requirements and associated test methods for rubber materials used in gas installations, gas equipment and gas appliances that are intended to be used in contact with hydrogen (H2) or (r)DME.

For hydrogen applications this aspect could be considered by optional tests according to:

- Determination of the permeation rate under test conditions in accordance with ISO 15105-1and determination of the gas transmission rate (GTR).

- To be in the position to carry out an evaluation, a classification based on permeation-rates is intended.

For (r)DME applications this aspect could be considered by optional tests according to:

- Determination of change in volume after immersion in n-butyl-acetate in pentane or pure n-butyl-acetate or (r)DME or blended (r)DME.

- Determination of change in mass after drying

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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