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ISO/NP 24390 "Methodologies for radioactivity characterization of very low level waste (VLLW) produced by nuclear facilities"


This proposed standard recommends a method for radioactivity characterization of VLLW generated from the operation or decommissioning of nuclear facilities, in order to rapidly separate VLLW from other level radioactive waste, to estimate the waste satisfied with the appropriate acceptance criteria for VLLW. The clearance and exemption of radioactively contaminated materials is not covered in this standard.


With relatively low activity and large volumes, VLLW is very available for the minimization management of radioactive waste, especial during the decommissioning of nuclear facilities. It is estimated that 500kt waste will be generated during the decommissioning of a 1100 MW(e) PWR, with 99% non-radioactive waste or clearance waste, and 1% radioactive waste. Among of the radioactive waste, 60% will be VLLW. During the decommissioning of two Candu reactors (Pickering A and Bruce B), 2-3x10^4 t of active waste and 3-4x10^5 of inactive waste or very low level waste would be generated. Once all nuclear power plants have been decommissioned in French, VLLW would be estimated to one to two million m^3.

The lower limit of VLLW is usually 10-100 times of clearance levels. According to the definition of VLLW, it would not necessarily meet the criteria of exempt waste/clearance waste. For clearance waste, it is required to follow a strict evaluation and verification procedure of radioactive level. In generally, enough samples need to be taken and sent to laboratory analysis for satisfied with clearance approval. The relative requirement and methods for clearance waste is usually too strict for VLLW. Therefore, it is needed to establish a specific ISO standard on radioactivity assessment methodologies for VLLW.

During the ISO TC85/SC5 subcommittee meeting in Atlanta, Georgia (June 2013), it was decided to establish a new ISO standard for assessing the radioactivity of very low level radioactive waste (VLLW) produced from nuclear facilities. The new standard will be expected as a supplement to the existing ISO 11932-1996, ISO 21238-2007 and ISO 16966-2013. During the 28th ISO TC85/SC5 Meeting in Berlin (May 2019), the task was confirmed again.

This proposed standard recommends a method and procedure for radioactivity characterization of very low level radioactive waste (VLLW) generated from the operation or decommissioning of nuclear facilities, in order to rapidly separate VLLW from other different radioactive level waste. 

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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