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BS EN IEC 60728-103 ED1 BS EN 60728-103 ED1 Active wideband equipment for cable networks with digital signals only

EPL/100 - Audio-visual and Electronic equipment
Audio, video and audiovisual equipment. Other
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This part of IEC 60728 specifies the measuring methods, performance requirements and data publication requirements for active wideband equipment of cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services with digital signals only.

This document

• applies to all amplifiers used in cable networks

• covers the frequency range 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz

NOTE The upper limit of 3 000 MHz is an example, but not a strict value.

• applies to one-way and two-way equipment

• specifies the basic methods of measurement of the operational characteristics of the active equipment in order to assess the performance of this equipment

• identifies the performance specifications to be published by the manufacturers

• states the minimum performance requirements of certain parameters.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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