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BS 6349-8 Maritime structures – Part 8: Code of practice for the design of Ro-Ro ramps, linkspans and walkways

CB/502 - Maritime works
Shipbuilding and marine structures. Other | Waterway, port and dyke construction
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This part of BS 6349 gives recommendations for the design of Ro-Ro linkspans, ramps and seaport boarding bridges used for the transfer of vehicles and foot passengers between the shoreside facilities and a vessel.

It applies to the structural elements and integration of the mechanical systems only and does not cover the detailed design of any operational equipment, traffic control, mechanical or electrical equipment, heating, lighting, lifesaving, or rescue equipment. However, as stated in Section 1.1 an actuated vehicle linkspan or seaport boarding bridge is considered a complex machine and therefore an integrated and comprehensive design process should be undertaken which fully takes into account the structural, mechanical, electrical and control system elements of the design. Geometrical aspects of fixed shore ramps are covered in this part of BS 6349.

This part of BS 6349 does not apply to rail-enabled linkspans used for loading and unloading rail carriages and wagons, as it does not give recommendations for railway loading and associated ramp gradients etc. However, some recommendations are applicable to such facilities and can be used in the absence of other guidance.

NOTE This part of BS 6349 is generally intended to cover facilities constructed in the U.K. Although most of the contents are directly applicable elsewhere, local conditions might necessitate modifications, e.g., environmental effects and vehicle loading.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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