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B/505/50 - Water reuse

Sector: Construction

Categories: Waste. Equipment and installations. Disposal and treatment. | Water. Drinking | Water. Industrial use | Drainage | External water conveyance systems | Water quality. Other | External sewage systems | Equipment. Irrigation and drainage | Water. Sewage | Wastes. Liquid | Fluid storage devices. Other | Pollution, pollution control and conservation | Water quality. General | Water. Examination. General | Environment. Health protection. Safety | Recycling

Overview: Under the direction of B/505 is responsible for the UK input into CEN/TC 165/WG 50 and ISO/TC 282 and the preparation and maintenance of function standards for the design, calculation, construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance of systems for the reuse of recyclable water within buildings or curtilages; also, where there is no material- specific technical committee involved, associated product standards.

Committee standards activity

In Progress (33)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

PD ISO/TS 21152 Technical specification for treatment and reuse of circulating cooling water in thermal power plants

Categories: Water. Industrial use | Power stations

Approval begins :
ISO/TC 282/SC 4 N 249, ISO/NP 4789 Guidelines for wastewater treatment and reuse in thermal power plants

Categories: Information management | Vocabularies | Environment. Health protection. Safety | Standardization. General rules | Environment | Wastes | Waste. Equipment and installations. Disposal and treatment. | Water quality

Proposal begins : 2020-01-09
ISO/TC 282/SC 4 N 217 A method to calculate and express energy consumption of industrial wastewater treatment for the purpose of water reuse -- Part 2: Part 2 -- Accounting for energy recovery

Categories: Environment | Environmental protection | Wastes | Wastes. Liquid | Recycling | Wastes. Other | Water quality | Water. Industrial use | Water. Examination. Physical properties | Construction | Civil engineering | External water conveyance systems

Proposal begins : 2019-07-09
ISO/TC 282/SC 2 N 297, ISO/NP 9111 Water reuse in urban areas -- Guideline for benefit evaluation of reclaimed water use

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Environment | Water quality | Water quality. General | Water. Examination. General | Water quality. Other

Proposal begins : 2021-07-15
ISO/PWI 23623.2 Guidelines for operation and maintenance of treatment and reuse system of leachate from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plants

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Environment | Wastes. Liquid | Waste. Equipment and installations. Disposal and treatment. | Water quality | Water. Industrial use

Proposal begins : 2023-12-01
ISO/NP 9784 - Guidelines for deep purification of secondary effluent for non-potable reuse using biological filtration systems

Categories: Standardization. General rules | Environment | Water quality | Water quality. General | Water. Examination. General | Water. Examination. Biological properties

Proposal begins : 2021-08-08
ISO/NP 25423 Guidelines for treatment and reuse of petroleum refinery wastewater

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules

Proposal begins : 2024-09-10
ISO/NP 25413 Purified water (PW) and water for injection (WFI) storage and distribution systems

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules

Proposal begins : 2024-09-05
ISO/NP 23623 Guidelines for operation and maintenance of treatment and reuse system of leachate from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plants

Categories: Information management | Standardization. General rules | Environment | Water quality | Water quality. General

Proposal begins : 2023-07-26
ISO/NP 20466 - Guidance for performance grading of recovered RO membranes for water reuse

Categories: Information management | Environment. Health protection. Safety | Standardization. General rules | Environment | Water quality | Water. Examination. General

Proposal begins : 2022-02-25
Published (32)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

BS ISO 9111:2024 Water reuse in urban areas. Guidelines for benefit evaluation of reclaimed water use

Categories: Water quality. General

Published standard begins : 2024-06-27
Published standard
BS ISO 4789:2023 Guidelines for wastewater treatment and reuse in thermal power plants

Categories: Wastes. Liquid | Recycling | Water. Industrial use

Published standard begins : 2023-06-13
Published standard
BS ISO 24575:2023 General principles and guidelines for cost analysis in planning of decentralized wastewater treatment and/or reuse

Categories: Water quality. General

Published standard begins : 2023-06-08
Published standard
BS ISO 24416:2022 Water reuse in urban areas. Guidelines for water reuse safety evaluation. Stability evaluation of reclaimed water

Categories: Water quality. General

Published standard begins : 2022-08-03
Published standard
BS ISO 24297:2022 Guidelines for treatment and reuse of leachate from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plants

Categories: Water quality. General

Published standard begins : 2022-08-20
Published standard
BS ISO 23070:2020 Water Reuse in Urban Areas. Guidelines for reclaimed water treatment: Design principles of a RO treatment system of municipal wastewater

Categories: Water quality. General

Published standard begins : 2020-12-16
Published standard
BS ISO 23056:2020 Water reuse in urban areas. Guidelines for decentralized/onsite water reuse system. Design principles of a decentralized/onsite system

Categories: Water quality. General

Published standard begins : 2020-09-24
Published standard
BS ISO 23044:2020 Guidelines for softening and desalination of industrial wastewater for reuse

Categories: Wastes. Liquid | Waste. Equipment and installations. Disposal and treatment.

Published standard begins : 2020-07-22
Published standard
BS ISO 22524:2020 Pilot plan for industrial wastewater treatment facilities in the objective of water reuse

Categories: Water. Industrial use

Published standard begins : 2020-05-22
Published standard
BS ISO 22519:2023 Membrane-based generation of water for injection (WFI)

Categories: Water quality. General

Published standard begins : 2023-04-13
Published standard
Withdrawn (10)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

BS ISO 22519:2019 Purified water and water for injection pretreatment and production systems

Categories: Water quality. General

Withdrawn begins : 2023-04-13
BS ISO 20670:2018 Water reuse. Vocabulary

Categories: Environment. Health protection. Safety | Water quality. General

Withdrawn begins : 2023-11-24
BS ISO 16075-4:2016 Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects. Monitoring

Categories: Water quality. General | Water. Sewage

Withdrawn begins : 2021-06-01
BS ISO 16075-3:2015 Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects. Components of a reuse project for irrigation

Categories: Water quality. General | Water. Sewage

Withdrawn begins : 2021-06-01
BS ISO 16075-2:2015 Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects. Development of the project

Categories: Water quality. General | Water. Sewage

Withdrawn begins : 2020-12-08
BS ISO 16075-1:2015 Guidelines for treated wastewater use for irrigation projects. The basis of a reuse project for irrigation

Categories: Water quality. General | Water. Sewage

Withdrawn begins : 2020-12-02
BS EN 16941-1:2024 On-site non-potable water systems. Systems for the use of rainwater

Categories: External water conveyance systems

Withdrawn begins : 2024-07-03
BS EN 16941-1:2018 On-site non-potable water systems. Systems for the use of rainwater

Categories: External water conveyance systems

Withdrawn begins : 2024-03-22
BS 8515:2009+A1:2013 Rainwater harvesting systems. Code of practice

Categories: Fluid storage devices. Other | Drainage

Withdrawn begins : 2018-07-19
BS 8515:2009 Rainwater harvesting systems. Code of practice

Categories: Fluid storage devices. Other | Drainage

Withdrawn begins : 2013-12-16