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B/504/-/13 - Water treatment equipment

Sector: Construction

Categories: Water. Drinking | Kitchen equipment. Other | Water supply

Overview: Under the direction of B/504, is responsible for the UK input to CEN/TC 164/WG 13 for standards relating to water treatment devices in the supply of water. Provides the UK input to CEN/TC 426 - Project Committee - Appliances used for water treatment not connected to water supply.

Committee standards activity

In Progress (2)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

BS EN 17093/A Domestic appliances used for drinking water treatment not connected to water supply - Jug water filter systems - Safety and performance requirements, labeling and information to be supplied

Categories: Water. Drinking | Kitchen equipment. Other

Public comment begins : 2019-11-07
Public comment
BS EN 17093 Domestic appliances used for drinking water treatment not connected to water supply - Jug water filter systems - Safety and performance requirements, labeling and information to be supplied

Categories: Unclassified documents

Public comment begins : 2017-02-16
Public comment
Published (11)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.

BS EN 17818:2023 Devices for <i>in-situ</i> generation of biocides. Active chlorine generated from sodium chloride by electrolysis

Categories: Water. Drinking

Published standard begins : 2024-01-30
Published standard
BS EN 17093:2018 Domestic appliances used for drinking water treatment not connected to water supply. Jug water filter systems. Safety and performance requirements, labeling and information to be supplied

Categories: Water. Drinking | Kitchen equipment. Other

Published standard begins : 2018-09-06
Published standard
BS EN 15848:2010 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings. Adjustable chemical dosing systems. Requirements for performance, safety and testing

Categories: Water. Drinking | Water supply

Published standard begins : 2010-03-12
Published standard
BS EN 15219:2006+A1:2007 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings. Nitrate removal devices. Requirements for performance, safety and testing

Categories: Water supply

Published standard begins : 2008-07-30
Published standard
BS EN 15161:2006 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings. Installation, operation, maintenance and repair

Categories: Water supply

Published standard begins : 2007-01-22
Published standard
BS EN 14898:2006+A1:2007 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings. Active media filters. Requirements for performance, safety and testing

Categories: Water supply

Published standard begins : 2007-08-08
Published standard
BS EN 14897:2006+A1:2007 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings. Devices using mercury low-pressure ultraviolet radiators. Requirements for performance, safety and testing

Categories: Water supply

Published standard begins : 2007-08-08
Published standard
BS EN 14812:2005+A1:2007 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings. Chemical dosing systems. Pre-set dosing systems. Requirements for performance, safety and testing

Categories: Water supply

Published standard begins : 2007-07-27
Published standard
BS EN 14743:2005+A1:2007 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings. Softeners. Requirements for performance, safety and testing

Categories: Water supply

Published standard begins : 2007-10-26
Published standard
BS EN 14652:2005+A1:2007 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings. Membrane separation devices. Requirements for performance, safety and testing

Categories: Water supply

Published standard begins : 2007-10-26
Published standard
Withdrawn (0)
Reference Standards description
Status ?

The standards development process is divided into chronological stages: Proposal; Drafting; Public comment; Comment resolution; Approval; Published standard.