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The UK government has introduced a new product regulation regime, introducing designated standards which support conformity with the relevant UKCA marking regulation in Great Britain. New or revised standards for designation published after 1 January 2021 contain information about the new UK regulations for Great Britain and for Northern Ireland within the national foreword. Find out more here.
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Electric cables for ships and mobile and fixed offshore units: Part 3xx: Bus Cables
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Dentistry — Designations for the parts and dimensions of an implant body or a monopart implant
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Sports facilities — Padel courts — Safety requirements and testing and inspection methods
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Maritime structures – Part 8: Code of practice for the design of Ro-Ro ramps, linkspans and walkways
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Design of aluminium structures - Cold-formed structural sheeting
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ISO 10477 Dentistry. Polymer-based crown and veneering materials
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ISO 8124-5 Safety of toys. Part 5: Determination of total concentration of certain elements in toys
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ISO 27799 Health informatics. Information security management in health using ISO/IEC 27002
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ISO 27914 Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage. Geological storage
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Space Data System Practices. Reference model for an open archival information system (OAIS)