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Adoption of New Work Item for revision of EN 14243-3:2019

PRI/73 - Industrial rubber products
Information management | Standardization. General rules
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This document provides test methods for the determination of the dimension(s) of shreds, cuts and chips (including protruding filaments) produced from all categories of endof life tyres at all steps of the treatment processes.

The methods described in this document include sample collection and the preparation of a representative sample based on a sampling plan for the purpose of determining dimensions.


At the recent meeting of CEN/TC 366, held on 29  January 2025, based on the results of the systematic review, it was decided to start work on the revision of EN 142433 :2019 to better describe the method for measuring protruding wires.

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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