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Draft Decision 980 - Adoption of a New Work Item EN 12814-2 rev

PRI/300 - GB Co-ordination for International work on plastics standards
Information management | Standardization. General rules
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This document specifies the dimensions, the method of sampling, the preparation of the test specimens and the conditions for performing the tensile test in order to determine the short-term tensile welding factor.

A tensile test can be used in conjunction with other tests (e.g. bend, tensile creep, macro) to assess the performance of welded assemblies, made from thermoplastics materials.

The test is applicable to welded semi-finished products made from thermoplastics materials filled or unfilled, but not reinforced, irrespective of the welding process used.


Total length for type 2 test specimens has been increased for the nominal outside diameters less than 100 mm and for more and equal to 100 mm and for the nominal outside diameters more or equal 100 mm with nominal thickness of the test piece less than or equal 10 mm, in order that the test specimens to be gripped by the jaws of the testing machine.

The recommended test speeds is updated to PA-U materials

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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