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Revision of EN 14458:2018 "Personal eye-equipment - High performance visors intended only for use with protective helmets"

PH/2 - Eye protection
Information management | Standardization. General rules
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Main aspects and targets for this revision work project:

• Consider and close NWIP with work on EN 14458:2018 Amd 1. WI00085098

• Consider the voting and all comments from last systematic review of EN 14458:2018 (in the time 10/2023- 03/2024), meaning mainly updating all needed normative references and especially updating all clauses with references to outdated EN 166 series to new valid EN ISO 16321 series.

• Consider new risks in the targeted user groups and use cases with potential new requirements and corresponding testing regarding arc flash protection.

• Consider potential improvements on EN 14458:2018 coming out of PPE Vertical Group 3 (Eye and face protection).


This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for visors designed specifically to be used only with protective helmets, including but not limited to those conforming to EN 443, EN 14052, EN 16471 and EN 16473 as the situation dictates. These visors may be permanently fitted to, or removable from, the helmet. See the scope of the various helmet standards for applications.

These visors are not intended to protect against smoke and gas /vapour hazards. Three types of visors in two forms are described in this document.

The two forms are:

- face guards provide both eye and face protection, and

- eye guards that are shorter and effectively provide only eye protection.

The three types are:

- Visors for general use: Eye guards and face guards providing resistance and/or protection against mechanical, liquid chemical and basic physical hazards.

- Visors with increased thermal performance: Face guards that additionally provide resistance and/or protection against higher than basic levels of heat and flame. This additional requirement is not applicable for eye guards.

- Mesh visors: Eye guards and face guards that incorporate mesh oculars with defined levels of performance from EN 1731, and other additional mechanical requirements described in this standard.

Visors for sporting use, those with corrective effect, and goggles used with a protective helmet are not covered by this standard.

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