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ISO/NP TS 25752 Dentistry Interlaboratory Testing Procedures

CH/106 - Dentistry
Information management | Standardization. General rules
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This document specifies the principles for interlaboratory tests conducted as part of the international standard or technical specification development process in all Sub-committees and WGs of ISO/TC 106.


To offer a convenient reference for the necessary considerations in the handling of ILTs from start to finish, including those of the ethics appropriate to the context, given that the entire process has had to be created from scratch in each case and thus with the risk of errors of omission and commission from scientific and management points of view. It will represent the accumulated knowledge and experience over the entire gamut of the work of TC 106 and should make the process more efficient and reliable.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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