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ISO/NP 25738 Surfaces with biocidal and antimicrobial properties — Definitions, requirements, recommendationsand guidance for surfaces activities claims regarding use conditions and existing tests methods

CH/216 - Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics
Information management | Standardization. General rules
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The purpose of the document is to describe the definitions applicable to all standards developed by ISO/TC 330 committee and to provide requirements, recommendations and guidance for demonstrating antimicrobial surfaces efficacy claims in use condition. This document details the risk assessment to be performed by the antimicrobial/active surface manufacturer and the risk analysis and evaluation to be performed by the users in order to successfully implemented antimicrobial surface in a defined environment. It does not provide the efficacy, toxicological or ecotoxicological test methods, who are detailed in the corresponding standards mentioned in this document. This document relies on several standards and existing test methods but do not supersede them


Several aspects (definition, surfaces preparations, general requirements…) are common to standards for demonstrating efficacy of antimicrobial surfaces. Regrouping such elements in a consensual document collectively written by worldwide experts will facilitate the future standards drafting and a better understanding about the principles (mainly testing conditions in accordance with use conditions of products) detailed in ISO/TC 330 Scope. Moreover, the discussions during the past years since the creation of ISO/TC 330 highlighted frequently the need to draft a guidance for manufacturer helping them to select or adapt the exiting test methods regarding their claims. This proposal can contribute effectively to address such need. This standard can also provide, by relying on exiting documents, the key points for active surface’s manufacturer risk assesment, and for end user, the reflection to have in order to contribute to the reduction of a biological risk by using various process and procedures including the deployment of antimicrobial surfaces. Given the global positive discussion, we had during the last ISO/TC 330 Plenary meeting, we propose to start the drafting of such document.

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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