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Find out what cookies we use and how to disable themEN 50463-1 describes the primary purpose of the EMS, which is to meter energy consumption for billing and provide compiled energy billing data (CEBD) to a DCS. The EMS may also be used for other functions such as energy management. In addition, EN 50463-1 also describes the primary purpose of a DCS and its interactions with an EMS and settlement system
The proposal is to open a maintenance team on EN 50463 and all its parts. This team should take into account bugs and unclarities found during implementation and during the transposition of EN 50463 into IEC 62888. The IEC group also added some improvements. The document in Annex 1 groups the changes that should be handled during this transposition. The standard has to take also into account the management of XSD (repository needed for interoperability purpose). In addition, the following decision was taken during the 68th CLC/TC 9X plenary meeting: Decision 68/07 Noting the BE NC proposal, TC 9X decides to create a SG on the topic of energy measurement. The remit of the group will be the NWIP for the maintenance of the series of EN 50463 “Railway applications - Energy measurement on board trains”. TC 9X decides to task the secretariat to launch a call for experts together with the proposal of Mr. Bart Van der Spiegel as convenor. Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.PDF. Copyright 2002-2023 Aspose Pty Ltd.
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