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Adoption of a New Work Item (CEN/CLC/JTC 22 N134) Standardization needs for satellite based QKD (TR)

ICT/4 - Quantum technologies
Information management | Standardization. General rules
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The “Stan d ard izatio n n eed s for satellite-based QKD” work item will provide insights that will influence future stan d ard izatio n effo rts. The scope is specified in the tentative Table of Co n ten ts: - Current state of the art and best practices in SatQKD. This chapter will give the context and starting point of the work item, referencing technology developments for SatQKD and ongoing quantum satellite missions. The European efforts in creating a QKD network should be highlighted, where the terrestrial and space segments seamlessly integrate for end-to-end QKD key provisioning between any pair of users dispersed world-wide. Satellites in different kind of orbits (LEO, MEO, GEO) and constellations, as well as different types of QKD schemes, like prepare and measure or entanglement-based will be considered. The outcome of this chapter are relevant mission scenarios and architectures. - Identification of functional blocks, information flows and corresponding interfaces in SatQKD. For the relevant architectures. identified in the previous chapter, more detailed descriptions of the functional blocks will be given. This meansnot only a description of what it does, but also the data that is processed in these blocks and the corresponding functional interfaces. - Identification of the HW and SW components in the functional blocks. The HW components and the general requirements of the functional blocks identified in the previous chapter will be provided. The HW components shall be agnostic to the actual implementation as much as possible. - Identifying standardization needs. The blocks identified previously are potential subjects of standardization, as well as their interfaces and the associated architecture. In this chapter, they will be analysed from the point of view of standardization. This includes an analysis of components and interfaces which are already standardized for different purposes, e.g., laser communication terminals for optical communications. The corresponding standardization gaps shall be identified. These may include gaps related to physical interfaces, software interfaces, and metrology to characterise components and subsystems, as well as management: configuration management, fault management, performance management and security management. − Priorities for SatQKD standardization In this chapter, a critical revision of the components and relations (interfaces) discussed in the previous chapterwill be performed to suggest priorities for standardization of SatQKD. In particular, the standardization readiness level will be considered. This is particularly relevant for those components that are in the early stages of technological development, where a premature standardization might impose unneeded rigidity. Again, this analysis shall consider existing standards which can be applied for SatQKD


Currently, there are no specific standardization activities for satellite-bas ed QKD (SatQKD), alth o ug h space will be essential for enabling QKD o ver lo n g d istan ces. While first standards for terrestrial QKD n etwo rks are being developed and are already applied, there are no comparable efforts for SatQKD. Th is is a g ap th at must be closed if we want to have a healthy and competitive, as well as a widespread QKD in d ustry wh ich includes space as a vital building block. In the same vein, this will also be crucial for Europe as it will affect the development of critical communication infrastructures , such as proposed in th e Euro QCI an d IRIS2 initiatives. A d o cumen t p ro vid in g in sig h ts an d an alysis o n th e stan d ard izatio n n eed s o f SatQKD is, therefore, urgently needed. The Work Item will, describe the specific stan d ard izatio n n eed s o f SatQK D tech n o lo g ies an d sp ecify wh ich p arts are missin g an d h o w to tackle th ese g ap s in th e mo st efficien t way. The emphasis o f th e wo rk item sh all be o n th e most relevant mission scenario, which is likely prepare and-measure QKD from a low earth orbit. Importantly, the work item will take interoperability between terrestrial and space communication networks in to acco un t, which implies that stan d ard s fo r sp ace should build o n existin g stan d ard s and best practices for terrestrial QKD networks (e.g., ETSI, ITU-T). Additionally, the work item shall highlight existin g stan d ard s fo r o p tical co mmun icatio n in sp ace (e.g., CCSDS, SDA-OCT ), space engineering (e.g. ECSS) and g ive an o verview o f o n g o in g tech n o lo g y d evelo p men ts an d d emo n strato r missio n s. In vo lvemen t o f agencies, regulators and policymakers such as ESA, EUSPA and relevant EC directorates in d raftin g th e ro ad map is en co urag ed and highly welcomed , since these institutions are facilitating, g o vern in g an d d irectin g the space industry in Europe. Th e fo llo win g are examples of potentially standardisable aspects, for further exploration. • Han d lin g o f p o larisatio n , g iven satellite-to-gro und-sta tio n reo rien tatio n an d atmo sp h eric perturbations. • Space-qualific ation requiremen ts to space-based q uan tum co mp o n en ts, in clud in g vibratio n , temperature, vacuum, rad iatio n /space weather, etc. • Requirements difference between orbits (NEO, LEO, ...) • Security differences between terrestrial and free-space /satellite. • In tra an d inter ground-station in tero p era bility aspects. • Ground-station-to-terres trial-Q K D in terco n n ect. • System interface standards of the quantum sig n al with o th er un its, in clud in g LOCC • Syn ch ro n isatio n an d p o st-processing requiremen ts , specific to space (fast-mo vin g satellites) • (Referenc e to) standards for security sp ecificatio n /certifica tio n /ac cred ita tio n fo r QKD, and makin g such specific to space The in d icative table o f co n ten t co uld in clud e: − Current state of the art and best practices in SatQKD. − Identification of functional blocks, information flows and corresponding interfaces in SatQKD. − Identification of the HW and SW components in the functional blocks. − Mapping HW and SW components to standardization needs. − Priorities for SatQKD standardization. A summary o f th e fin d in g s is p lan n ed to be co n tributed to th e JTC22 ro ad map , main tain ed by JTC22-W G1. When specific standardisation needs are identified, an d sufficien t sup p o rt is fo un d , th ey may be co n tributed as n ew wo rk item p ro p o sals fo r TS o r EN to JTC22-W G2 (metro lo g y fo r q uan tum en ablin g tech nologies) or JTC22-W G4 (q uan tum co mmun ica tio n ). Where useful, this will be coordinated with relevant other standards bodies and activities, e.g. the ones mentioned above.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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