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NWIP PWI DPP - System Interoperability


This new work item proposal proposed a solution to increase interoperability of the DPP system (in consideration in Module 4 in WG4). Interoperability is important to enable the seamless exchange of DPP-based information between heterogeneous systems. This NWIP follows the approach of the standard interoperability layers and proposes the following aspects in this regard:

Technical Interoperability

 secured exchange protocol (e.g., HTTP(S)) that can be transported over firewall systems and the public internet infrastructure (in agreement with module 5)

 data formats

 Serialization of data with standardized media type (e.g., JSON)

 Potential compression approaches (e.g., Open Packing Convention – ISO 29500-2, CBOR)

 review data act regulation Article 33 “minimal requirements on interoperability in data spaces” on relevance

Semantic Interoperability

 Allow data structuring with standardized or established data schema languages (e.g., XML Schema, JSON Schema, SHACL, rdf, owl)

 Enables the usage and reusage of know ontologies or context namespaces (e.g., IEC CDD, ETSI SAREF) avoid sector specific ontologies – allow parallel usage of different ontologies by commission in delegated acts with horicontal abstract layer as general as possible (technology-, ontology- and domain agnostic) 

Organisation Interoperability

 Easy integrateable in or to existing technology frameworks

 enable both human access AND machine (software) access

out of scope

 data exchange protocols (see PWI “data exchange protocols”)

 Database definitions for backend services (dpp is technology agnostic)

 Sector specific ontology definitions

 European standard(s) on unique identifiers

 European standard(s) on data processing and data formats

 European standard(s) on data carriers and links between physical product and digital representation

 European standard(s) on access rights management, information, system security, and business confidentiality

 European standard(s) on data storage, archiving, and data persistence

 European standard(s) on data authentication, reliability, integrity

 European standards on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the product passport lifecycle management and searchability


This proposal is in response to the Standardization Request from the European Comission for the Digital Product Passport, as seen in the latest version of document CEN/CLC/JTC 24 M-XXX DPP_N63_FINAL draft SReq DPP + Annexes - Document under CoS vote until 2024-04-01 (EN version) or https://ec.europa.eu/transparency/comitology-register/screen/documents/096100/1/consult?lang=en

As specified in annex 2 - part B - Section 4 - . Standards on interoperability (technical, semantic, and organisational) The standard(s) shall define, inter alia, rules related to the following:

a) semantic description of a product, including but not limited to unambiguous meaning and consistent naming and, where relevant, a value list, a specific format and defined units of measure for all quantitative values;

b) a common information model allowing for the implementation of dictionary systems;

c) metadata models and formats to be used in exchange and representation. The standard(s) shall include rules on how to systematically use such metadata models when developing product group specific data models. 

Existing relevant standards shall be duly considered when drafting the new European standard(s). A non-exhaustive list is provided below:

 EN IEC 63278: Asset Administration Shell for Industrial Applications

 EN IEC 61360: Standard data element types with associated classification scheme - Part 1: Definitions - Principles and methods

 Baseline protocol (available at: https://github.com/eea-oasis/baseline-standard/blob/main/core/baseline-core-v1.0- psd01.md )

 ISO 11354-1:2011: Enterprise interoperability framework

 ISO/IEC 21823 Framework, Transport/Semantic/Syntactic interoperability

Besides the abovementioned standards from the Standardisation Request, the PWI will also take into account the following standards: 

 IEC 61360-7 Standard data element types with associated classification scheme - Part 7: Data dictionary of cross-domain concepts

 IEC 61360-2 Formal model for data

 ISO 13584-42 Industrial automation systems and integration – Parts library – Part 42: Description methodology: Methodology for structuring part families

 ISO 13584-32 Industrial automation systems and integration — Parts library — Part 32: Implementation resources: OntoML: Product ontology markup language

 ISO 29002-5 reference to semantic dictionaries (IRDI) (e.g. eclass, etim and so on)

 EN ISO 23386 building information modelling and other digital processes used in construction — Methodology to describe, author and maintain properties in interconnected data dictionaries

 EN ISO 23387 Building information modelling (BIM) — Data templates for construction objects used in the life cycle of built assets — Concepts and principles

 IEC 62832 series Digital Factory Framework Part 1 - General principles (How to use ECLASS/IEC CDD for providing product data)

 EN ISO 12006-3 Building construction — Organization of information about construction works

 ISO/IEC 18975 Encoding and resolving identifiers over HTTP" is planned to be relaesed for end of 2025

 ISO/IEC JTC1 SC38 cloud computing an distributed platforms

 EN 301 549 V3.2.1 (2021-03)Standard data element types with associated classification scheme - Part 1: Definitions - Principles and methods

 prCEN/TS 18098 "Guidelines for the onboarding of user personal identification data within European Digital Identity Wallets’"

 ISO/IEC 21823: Internet of things (IoT) - Interoperability for IoT systems

 ISO 11354-1:2011: Enterprise interoperability framework

 EN 15804:A2 Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Core rules for the product category of construction products (consolidated version)

 EN 19650 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) — Information management using building information modelling

 ISO TR 23249 Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies – Overview of existing DLT systems for identity management

 EN 10168 Steel products; Inspection documents

 VCs available at: https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/

 DNS "Domain Name System, RFC 1034, 1035, 2181, 2782

 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035 "

 EIDAS electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market - https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32014R0910

 JSON-LD available at: https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/

 VC-JSON available at: GitHub - w3c/vc-json-schema/

 EN 10204 Metallic products; Types of inspection documents

 EN 10372 Quality tracking system for flat steel products using barcode 

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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