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NWIP TS CE Practical information and guidance for the imp... TS Circular Economy - Practical information and guidance for the implementation of ISO 59004 in Europe


 This document provides guidance for implementing ISO 59004 in Europe.
This document addresses considerations on terminology in ISO 59004 compared to the terminology integrating the European regulatory framework as well as the terminology defined in published European standards.
This document provides recommendations on trimming and adapting the guidance contained in ISO 59004 to conform with the regulatory framework of the EU Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP).
This document is applicable in a large number of sectors to support building the European internal market of goods and services, helping to remove barriers to trade and strengthening Europe's position in a global circular economy


The ISO 59000 family of standards, developed by ISO/TC 323, will help organizations’ transition toward a circular economy. They represent the current best compromise resulting from the contribution of experts from17 liaison organizations and 100 countries from all over the world, each representing different realities and bound to comply with different regulatory frameworks.
Based on the terms and definitions, principles and guidance of ISO 59004, they provide useful information and guidance (including some requirements that were deemed to be indispensable for the measurement and assessment of circularity performances) but very significant gaps exist for their correct implementation within the EU regulatory framework.
The proposed work aims to provide all interested parties (including policy makers) with detailed information and recommendations on:
─ Differences between the terms and definitions in ISO 59004 and:
─ Terms and definitions integrating relevant EU action plans, directives and regulations, and
─ Terms and definitions contained in relevant published EN standards.
─ Needs to trim and complement principles and actions.
The proposed work will lead to more detailed operation instructions and will not repeat requirements of EU laws in the standards but describe technical issues, how specific requirements should be implemented in the EU context by the industry. Such practical information and guidance can also support the activities of experts of other WGs within CEN/TC 473 as well as support the work of
other CEN and CENELEC technical bodies addressing the revision of existing standards and the development of new general standards and sector specific standards that will be needed for the implementation of the Ecodesign on Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR).
The proposed Technical Specification is a standalone document and will not conflict with ISO 59004 but will complement ISO 59004

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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