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NWIP TS CE Guidance on the implementation of ISO 59010... TS Circular economy - Guidance on the implementation of ISO 59010 with consideration of European policies and regulations


This document provides guidance on the implementation of ISO 59010 on the transition of business models and value networks, raising awareness and considerations on compliance with European regulations related to circular economy and sustainability. This document does not address sector-specific issues.


The ecological transition, as spearheaded by the Green Deal, and the wide arsenal of policy and regulatory measures developed in the Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) to achieve its targets and goals, opens a new area needing harmonisation as business and organisations engage towards changing their bottom line to fulfil these new challenges and expectations.
Some regulatory measures are well targeted, for example batteries, food and beverage packaging, which the Eco-design regulation will progressively broaden to other product categories. These prescribe ecodesign requirements and targets for example for recovery, reuse or to promote reparability. The Packaging and packaging waste directive and the waste framework directive call on Extended Producer Responsibility schemes to meet circularity objectives and timelines (eg , recycled content, reuse, etc).
Other policies and regulations are broader in scope, such as the financing regulations (Taxonomy) or corporate reporting and disclosure (CSRD) which are intended to compel organisations to be ‘virtuous’ and attract investors (e.g. pension funds with green portfolio objectives) as well as encourage consumers, when making purchases). The CEAP also points to the need for additional
guidance for transitioning and implementing Circular Business Models (CBMs).
While the need to shift business practices and business models, through novel value propositions and revenue sources, is now widely accepted, setting harmonised international standards on business models may seem counterintuitive. Businesses and organisations need freedom when making strategic choices and business strategies, but within the bounds posed by regulations. Circularity has
ramifications in value chains and networks which introduce new responsibilities throughout value chains such as Scope 3 emissions, reuse and recycling objectives , which may need formal agreements and structures. Balancing costs and benefits within such networks, essential for viable business models, may also require looking beyond the bottom line of the single organisation, and
consider the prospects of mutualising costs and benefits in the broader value network. Disposing of appropriate guidance on criteria and methods for use, which merit to be standardised is therefore increasingly evident. For example, to serve in setting new contractual and financial transactions between the multitude of economic actors that compose value networks, while benefiting from the latest insights in digitalisation, upstream innovation and design, and customer relations to deliver greater resource and GHG savings.
A first significant step was achieved with the ISO 59000 family of Circular Economy standards, published in May 2024. It is important that the ISO standard (when available) be used as the strawman document to the CEN standard and then built on to address EU specificities. The ISO 59010 standard will be used as the reference for the purpose of this work item, as it provides a framework
comprising terminology, business model elements inspired by the Business Model Canvas, and procedures on how to set about establishing structures, strategies and objectives, and associated indicators.
The focus of the work of this NWIP will be to provide substance and context to the articulation between the circular actions (drawn from 59004 and 59010), as listed in clause 4, and the components of the business model referred to in clause 6,and how these operate in the framework of value networks (clause 7). All clauses will be reviewed with an eye on the relevance of the EU policies and regulations. The Working Group shall liaise with the WG on information sharing, and the WG on Extended producer responsibility, as both have a strong bearing on business models and the tools and infrastructures on which they will rely on

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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