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Decision 2024-07 to adopt a New Work Item Proposal for the revision of EN 650:2012 "Resilient floor coverings Polyvinyl chloride floor coverings on jute backing or on polyester felt backing or on a polyester felt with a polyvinyl chloride backing - Specification" after Systematic review.


This European Standard specifies the characteristics of floor coverings based on polyvinyl chloride and modifications thereof, on jute or polyester backing or on polyester felt with polyvinyl chloride backing, supplied in either tile or roll form.

To encourage the consumer to make an informed choice the standard includes a classification system (see EN ISO 10874) based on intensity of use, which shows where these floor coverings should give satisfactory service. It also specifies requirements for marking. 


Update the normative references will make the document more user friendly

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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