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Draft TC-Decision 2023-08 NWIP revEN688 Resilient floor coverings - Specification for corklinoleum


This European Standard specifies the characteristics of corklinoleum, supplied in roll form.

To encourage the consumer to make an informed choice, the standard includes a classification system based on intensity of use, which shows where resilient floor coverings should give satisfactory service (see EN 685). It also includes requirements for marking.

The term 'linoleum' is frequently incorrectly applied to a range of floor coverings, often to those based on polyvinyl chloride or rubber. Such materials are excluded from this standard.


An update is needed to replace mentioned standards with the latest versions.

To broaden the possible application of the standard the requirements for the carrier will be adapted without changing the requirements for classification. Increase of maximum thickness to 0,9 mm and change «fibrous backing » into « carrier ». Increase maximum density to 950 kg/m3 to be able to work with other types of cork. With this value corklinoleum can still be distinguished from other types of linoleum.

In many applications the impact sound reduction requirements are less important, while adjusting the density will influence this value.

Proposal is to make the impact sound reduction an optional property.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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