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Find out what cookies we use and how to disable themThe IEC MSB white paper "Strategic asset management of power networks" was published in 2015 [1] and TC 123 was established the following year to develop a management standard covering power network assets.
The scope of TC 123 (as a whole) is “standardisation to deliver, in co-operation with other TC/SCs and international organizations, common methods and guidelines for coordinated lifetime management of network assets in power systems to support good asset management” [2]. This possibly includes the development of new methods and guidelines. “Asset management” means “coordinated activity of an organization to realize value from assets” defined by ISO 55000 series [3][4][5].
In TC 123, two projects have delivered Committee Drafts (CDs) on Terminology (WG1 - IEC 60050- 693) and Practice and case studies (WG2 – IEC TS 63224, now changed its name to “management aspect”) [6][7]. One project, “asset risk mitigation” (original title was “requirement”), is preparing its first CD (WG4 – IEC 63223-2).
One of the comments on the NP of IEC 63223 and the CD of TS 63224 was "The scope is supposed to be about realizing value from power network assets, but it is biased towards only reducing the risk of existing assets. TC 123 should have a broader scope". Therefore, it was decided at the 2022 plenary meeting to change the title of WG4 from 'Requirement' to 'asset risk mitigation' and to aim the new project to present an overall picture that includes value creation other than asset risk mitigation. This proposal is the NP for that overall picture.
The objective of the project proposed in this NP is to deliver overview, principles, and terminology. The project deliverable will be an International Standard covering the following content:
1) Terminology
While IEC 60500-693 specifies terminologies on management of network asset in power systems (TC 123 scope) for the whole IEC, terms used only in the 63223 series (deliverables of TC 123) and not in 60050-693 are to be described in 63223-1.
2) Electric power network overview
The scope of TC 123 is a supplement to the “asset management” specified in the ISO 55000 series for power network assets.
Power network assets have some characteristics not found in other industries. For example:
a) The power system is not an aim by itself but a media to take advantage of a generation mix for the benefit of consumers.
b) Power network assets are connected and interact over very large areas, such as Western Europe, large part of North America, China, India, etc. Millions of assets are in the steady state under various electrical laws.
c) A fault in one location can spread over this large area at the speed of light. The steady state is broken and very quick action must be done to reach a new steady state and avoid a power outage and a cascade to the “black-out”.
d) Electricity is an “essential good” and the rule of N -1 (one asset fault has no impact on supply) is applied to design the system for important assets.
e) Assets are expensive and have a long useful life.
3) Principles
This section provides an overview of asset management as defined in the ISO 55000 series and describes the “principles of asset management for power networks”, based on the characteristics of power networks in the previous section.
4) Overall value creation
NP of IEC 63223-2 (123/47/NP, 2021) described:
“It is noted that the aim of modern asset management compliant to ISO 55001 is to realize value from assets. This may be achieved by controlling risks and by creating value from opportunities.
The present standard is developed mostly from the viewpoint of risk control. However, wherever applicable, the standard will also address the options for and the analysis of value creation.
“ After the NP was approved, in April 2022, TC 123 decided to change the name of IEC 63223 -2 from “requirement” to “asset risk mitigation” to focus the scope solely on risk reduction and accelerate the project. Although risk reduction is part of value creation, the following examples are currently outside the scope of 63223-2, and will be overviewed in this new project.
a) Connecting RES through newly constructed power network creates value “to reduce CO2 emissions and prevent global warming”.
b) Using transmission and distribution assets for uses other than electric power transmission and distribution (e.g. telecommunications), increases the value from the asset. Conversely, using assets for other purposes (e.g. railway) for power network to reduce costs and create value.
c) Optimising the Life Cycle Cost of asset by better asset specifications.
d) Using “network solution” rather than “asset solution”, e.g. (semi) off -grid, new operation.
e) Using “non-network solution”, e.g. Demand response, Generation curtailment.
f) Improving resilience against extreme weather events.
Within each task, the committee (TC 123) will decide what activities to standardize.
Finally, the following items are excluded from the scope.
– Asset management issues not specific to power networks (by ISO/TC 251)
– Dependability issues not specific to power networks (by TC 56)
– Power network issues on technical matters, system aspects, information exchange, safety, insulation coordination, etc. which are in the scope of TC 8, TC 57, and TC 99.
– Product specific issues on power network (by each product TC)
The purpose and justification for this proposed project are formulated in the strategic business plan (SBP) of IEC TC 123 (SMB/7621/R) and is based on the needs and demands of asset managers and regulators:
– Without worldwide standards on measuring and reporting on electricity network asset management procedures and performance, broader stakeholder engagement is very difficult
– There is a lack of consensus on what are best practice methods for everything from testing the health of a specific item of equipment to prioritizing various asset management options
– Commonly accepted definitions of the ways to calculate (for example) failure rates, without which it is very difficult to benchmark across organizations or jurisdictions.
– Regulators are looking to understand the management of assets and manufacturers who are designing and building equipment to service these companies.
The proposed activity supports the following strategic objectives stated in the SBP:
– To define overview, principles, and terminology for management of network assets in power systems.
– To develop common framework for evaluation of positive value from assets and evaluation of options for value creation
– requirement and case studies.
– To develop common framework for evaluation of options for value creation and risk mitigation using grid architecture – requirement and case studies.
IEC TC 123 will work in close collaboration with many product TCs, and across organisations such as CIGRE. The output of this TC’s will facilitate a great sharing of knowledge and asset management practices, in the asset lifecycle, acr oss a wide spectrum of stakeholders
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