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ISO/IEC PWI TS 24718 Information technology — Programming languages — Guidance for the use of the Ada Ravenscar Profile in high integrity systems


This document provides guidance on the use of the Ravenscar Profile for Ada software using concurrency and intended to be verified up to, and including, the very highest integrity levels


There is increasing recognition that the software components of critical real-time applications be provably predictable. This is particularly so for a hard real-time system, in which the failure of a component of the system to meet its timing deadline can result in an unacceptable failure of the whole system. The choice of a suitable design and development method, in conjunction with supporting tools that enable the real-time performance of a system to be analysed and simulated, can lead to a high level of confidence that the final system meets its real time constraints.

Traditional methods used for the design and development of complex applications, which concentrate primarily on functionality, are increasingly inadequate for hard real-time systems. This is because nonfunctional requirements such as dependability (e.g. safety and reliability), timeliness, memory usage and dynamic change management are left until too late in the development cycle.

dispense entirely with separate processes, each with their own independent thread of control, and to use a cyclic executive that calls a series of procedures in a fully deterministic manner. Such a system becomes easy to analyse but is difficult to design for systems of more than moderate complexity, inflexible to change, and not well suited to applications where sporadic activity can occur and where error recovery is important. Moreover, it can lead to poor software engineering if small procedures must be artificially constructed to fit the cyclic schedule. 

The use of Ada has proven to be of great value within high integrity and real-time applications, albeit via language subsets of deterministic constructs, to ensure full analysability of the code. Such subsets have been defined for Ada 83, but these have excluded tasking on the grounds of its non determinism and inefficiency. Advances in the area of schedulability analysis currently allow hard deadlines to be checked, even in the presence of a run-time system that enforces preemptive task scheduling based on multiple priorities. This valuable research work has been mapped onto a number of new Ada constructs and rules that have been incorporated into the Real-Time Annex of the Ada language standard [RM D]. This has opened the way for these tasking constructs to be used in high integrity subsets whilst retaining the core elements of predictability and reliability.

The Ravenscar Profile is a subset of the tasking model, restricted to meet the real-time community requirements for determinism, schedulability analysis and memory-boundedness, as well as being suitable for mapping to a small and efficient run-time system that supports task synchronization and communication, and which can be certifiable to the highest integrity levels. The concurrency model promoted by the Ravenscar Profile is consistent with the use of tools that allow the static properties of programs to be verified. Potential verification techniques include information flow analysis, schedulability analysis, execution-order analysis and model checking. These techniques allow analysis of a system to be performed throughout its development life cycle, thus avoiding the common problem of finding only during system integration and testing that the design fails to meet its non-functional requirements. 

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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