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ISO/NP 21039 Construction adhesives — Tensile lap-shear test of bonded assemblies with fiber-reinforced plastics as substrate


This standard specifies a method for determining the tensile lap-shear strength of bonded assemblies established with adhesives in liquid form and paste adhesives using adherends made of fibrereinforced plastics, when determined on a standard specimen under defined pre-treatment and test conditions.

NOTE The parameters obtained with this test method are suitable for developmental and comparison testing. The parameters obtained are not suitable for calculations that are required for the design of adhesive bonds in structural connections. Measurement results will be reproducible only if identical specimen types are used. 


Fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) have gained increasing importance in lightweight constructions for transportation and plants for the production of renewable energy like e.g. wind turbine blades. This standard describes procedures to perform tensile lap-shear test of bonded assemblies with fiberreinforced plastics as adherents which are not covered by existing standards.

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