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NWIP EN 13223 Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - Drive systems and other mechanical equipment


This document specifies the requirements for drive systems and other mechanical equipment. The formulation of 9.10.1 will berevised and the proposals of CEN/TC242/WG15 on worker safety eill be integrated in the EN.


CEN/TC242 decides (Decision 2022/09) to amend EN 13223:2015 to complete EN13223 A 1 as follows: "9.10.1 The safety brake shall act on the drive sheave or on another sheave on which the rope has sufficient adhesion, as close as possible to the carrying-hauling rope or the haul rope, or on the drive drum or on a braking ring attached directly to the sheave or drum." On this occasion, the proposals of CEN/TC242/WG 15 on worker safety will be integrated into the same amendment. 

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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