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NWIP EN 13107 Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons - Civil engineering works


This document specifies the safety requirements applicable to civil engineering works for installations for passenger transportation by rope. It is essential that its requirements are met by taking into account the various types of installations and their environment.

There are additional specifications for certain loads and further specifications for combining these loads. Some errors will be corrected. It includes requirements relating to the prevention of accidents and the protection of workers.

This document is applicable to:

- new cableways

- alterations of existing cableways as far as the safety of civil engineering works or part of it is involved.


EN13107:2015 will be revised in particular on the basis of the remarks made during the systematic review at 5 years (N1124) and the proposals of WG15 (N1146).

There have been 2 amendments available for some time, but they have been put on hold due to the systematic review. These amendments deal both with errors in the standard and with additions and/or more precise specifications.

The requirements for worker safety must be included into EN 13107.

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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