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ISO/NP 20223 Technical product documentation (TPD) --Representation and identification of situation features


This document defines how to represent and uniquely identify by an alpha-numerical label the situation features of an integral surface or a collection of integral surfaces of a part, and how to indicate it in a technical product documentation (drawing), if needed to improve human readability.

The proportions and dimensions of the graphical symbols to be used are also specified.


The aim is to standardize the representation and the identification of the set of situation features (made of one point and/or one straight line and/or one plane, with condition “point on line in plane”) of a geometrical feature (ideal or real surface or line). Situation features identifiers can be used in order to simplify a TPD and will be used in future revisions of ISO GPS standards in order to clarify the expression of geometrical specifications.

This document gives to the designer the ability to explicitly represent, identify and name any situation feature(s) of any integral surface considered as an ideal feature. This should be equally possible either for the situation feature(s) of a single feature, or of a collection of features. This is today required for the development of more efficient tools for section features, contacting features, or situation features of a tolerance zone, to name a few.

The aim of this new work item is to provide a systematic scheme to represent, identify and name such situation features. The work on collection of features may be developed at a later stage, enriching the initial set-up of the naming scheme.

Drawings are used in a variety of situations, e.g. design, manufacturing and verification (see ISO 21619 on Types of documents with GPS). In many cases it can be difficult to communicate unambiguously when reference to a specific situation feature is to be made either oral or in writing in different documents without depiction of the part or specific details of part that is not necessarily illustrated adequately on the drawing.

Furthermore, situation features identifiers can be used in order to simplify a TPD and will be used in future revisions of ISO GPS standards in order to simplify also the expression of geometrical specifications. Human readable identifiers for situation features is needed in order to ease the communication between stakeholders and to clarify with respect to which situation features other situation features are specified, i.e. establish human understandable traceability, and providing means to establish traceability between the drawing and other TPD.CAD-vendors are encouraged to implement a harmonized unique identifier of situation features to support the implementation of the benefits given above in this introduction and in the standard.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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