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BS 8605-1 rev “External timber cladding - Part 1: Method of specifying”


This standard describes methods of specifying the characteristics of external timber cladding products from which selection has to be made and for which values might have to be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer. Complementing harmonized standards BS EN 14915 and BS EN 13986, it lists all performance requirements that might apply to external timber cladding in the UK and provides a method of specifying those which are outside the scope of the BS EN standards but which are relevant to the UK’s climate and construction practices. It is intended for use by specifiers of external timber cladding components (boards, shingles & shakes, and wood-based panels) designed to function as a rainscreen. The proposed revision would ensure the content was up to date, including bringing it in line with recent changes to fire safety standards and reflecting the post-Brexit situation regarding CE marking.​


Proposal for revision.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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