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PNW 121B-164 ED1: Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - Part 8: Assemblies for use in photovoltaic installations


This part of the IEC 61439 series specifies requirements for the design and verification of assemblies for use in photovoltaic installations. Such photovoltaic assemblies are designated PVAs.

PVAs have the following criteria:

– used for the combination of electrical energy in DC systems for which the voltage does not exceed 1 500 V DC and supply to an AC network where the voltage does not exceed 1 000 V AC;

– stationary;

– intended for operation by authorised persons; but can be located in an area accessible to ordinary persons;

– suitable for indoor or outdoor installation.

The aim of this document is to identify definitions, specify the service conditions, detail the construction requirements, define the technical characteristics, and provide verifications for PVAs.

PVAs can also include control and or signaling devices associated with the distribution of electrical energy.

This document applies to all PVAs whether they are designed and manufactured on a one -off basis or fully standardized and manufactured in quantity. The manufacture and/or assembly can be carried out by an entity other than the original manufacturer (see 3.10.1 of IEC 61439-1:2020).This document does not apply to individual devices, for example,circuit-breakers, fuse switches and self-contained components such as, motor starters, power electronic converter systems and equipment (PECS), switch mode power supplies (SMPS), uninterruptable power supplies (UPS), basic drive modules (BDM), complete drive modules (CDM), adjustable speed power drives systems (PDS), stand-alone energy storage systems (battery and capacitor systems), and other electronic equipment which comply with their relevant product standards. This document describes their integration into a PVA or an empty enclosure used as a part of a PVA. For some applications, such as, explosive atmospheres, functional safety, there may be a need to comply with the requirements of other standards or legislation in addition to those specified in the IEC 61439 series.

This document does not apply to the specific types of assemblies covered by ot her parts of IEC 61439. Unless local legislation details additional requirements, equipment within the scope of this document, which complies with this document, is deemed to meet essential safety requirements. This includes fully verified specifier options, for example user choice of protection against accidental contact with hazardous live parts of IPXXB or IP3XD. Where special requirements are agreed between the user and manufacturer, that are not fully specified within this document, for example, (i) p art of the assembly is outside the scope of this document, (ii) exceptional vibration is present at the place of installation, (iii) exceptional voltage variations occur in service, or (iv) possible adverse effects from sonic or ultrasonic sources, a risk assessment and/or additional or more severe verifications may be required to demonstrate that the essential safety requirements have been fulfilled.


Assemblies for PV – Applications are subject of the SC121B.

Use of PVA assemblies is a major trend on the market. Installation and application is very specific compared with installations in other industry areas. Such assemblies are e.g. exposed to solar radiation and strongly fluctuating as well as changing temperatures.

It is of mutual interest to identify definitions, specify the service conditions, detail the constr uction requirements, define the technical characteristics, and provide verifications for PVAs.

The development of a separate standard for PVAs is considered beneficial to reflect all technical requirements, rather than an adaptation of the existing standar d. This is recognized in a note in the in the informative Annex DD of IEC 61439-2:2020 on the same subject. Assuming this proposal is accepted, and a standard is developed it will supersede any details given in Annex DD of IEC 61439 - 2. PLEASE SELECT ANY UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGS) THAT THIS DOCUMENT WILL SUPPORT. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON SDGS, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTPS://WWW.IEC.CH/SDG/ GOAL 1: No Poverty GOAL 2: Zero Hunger GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being GOAL 4: Quality Education GOAL 5: Gender Equality GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production GOAL 13: Climate Action GOAL 14: Life Below Water GOAL 15: Life on Land GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals TARGET DATE(S) FOR FIRST CD: 2023-08-31 FOR IS: 2025-10-31 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF MEETINGS: FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS: DATE OF FIRST MEETING: PLACE OF FIRST MEETING: 7 2 per year 2023-03-31 France

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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