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NWIP CEN TR XXXXX New work item Harmonized track and trace events.


Track and trace events in the logistics flow in wider postal sector.

Tracking starts the moment when the first operator / logistic service provider (LSP) acknowledges that it has taken the responsibility of the item.

It includes the forward flow and the returns flow.

Based on this minimum set, events can be added for different purposes. These can defer per region / country and or product.


Track and Trace of (postal) items is currently diverse, complex and the quality of data provided by operators varies widely. Consequence is the rise of commercial scraping sites, offering services bringing all events together, not always providing a clearer insight in the whereabouts of an item.

The wider postal sector can benefit from harmonized tracking events in different ways.

1. Customers will benefit from a more generic Supply Chain representation, getting a clear answer on the question “Where is an item?”.

2. Transit times, and differences in the different steps can be compared better using one limited set of standard events

3. CO2 emission calculation can be registered and compared more easily.

Expected outcome of this work item: a list with a minimum set of 5-10 standardized track and trace events that indicate the whereabouts of an item.

The minimum set should make clear in which country an item is, and which party (operator, airline, customs) held the item for the last time.

If, after one of these events, nothings seems to happen, no events follow, it should be clear where to start a search.

This list can be a starting point for Logistic Service Providers (LSP’s) currently not providing any tracking events.

Technical topics to be discussed: how do existing lists of tracking events from UPU, ISO, GS1 relate to each other.

Comment on proposal

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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