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PNW 65E-937 ED1: Industrial-process measurement and control - Data structures and elements


The IEC 61987 series provides the semantics of the data needed for the area of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) and Smart Manufacturing. Classification and description of products with classes and properties for future objects within the scope of TC 65 (Industrial-process measurement, control and automation) shall be developed as IEC 61987 DB standard and published via IEC CDD according to ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 - IEC Supplement Annex SL.


IEC CDD (Common Data Dictionary - https://cdd.iec.ch) provides classifications and descriptions of products to enable unambitious electronic data exchange for e-commerce and business opportunities along the product life cycle.

Several IEC standards for classifying and describing products with classes and properties have been
developed as database standards (DB standards) and published via IEC CDD, e.g. IEC 62683 and IEC 63213. Today, numerous parts of IEC 61987, which also classify and describe products with classes and properties, have already been created and published via IEC CDD.

With IEC 61987 DB, IEC/SC 65E/WG 2 responds to the rising market needs to support machine-sensible communication for e-commerce, engineering, Smart Manufacturing and data provision along the product life cycle.

The further development of IEC 61987 DB as a database standard was decided by SC 65E plenary (2021- 11-04) and approved by the SMB (SMB/7581A/RV on 2022-04-05)

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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