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SyCAAL/270/NP (SRD) Active Assisted Living (AAL) Use Case Standards Inventory and Mapping


The purpose of this document is to describe the process to build an inventory of standards based on use cases, map these standards to individual use cases, and provide a visual representation in the IEC mapping platform.

This document identifies the main categories of standards applicable to AAL systems and to apply these standards to AAL components or to the complete AAL system.

Although there are national and regional standards that can address parts of AAL systems, this document will focus only on standards developed on the international level (e.g., IEC, ISO, ITU-T).


IEC systems committee Active Assisted Living (AAL) was formed to develop solutions to help AAL users of any age to live independently as long as possible. AAL develops systems to meet these goals based on individual use cases. These systems are compilations of components, systems, and services from multiple vendors and service providers and contain a large variety hardware and software systems including medical devices, wellness devices, network hubs, IT systems, home monitoring devices, smart home technology, etc.

The task of AAL is to develop systems standards considering products, services and systems, safety, security and privacy.

This document describes the process to identify, compile, and maintain an inventory of standards applicable to AAL systems. This document also describes the process to map standards to individual use cases and to identify any gaps in the coverage of these standards.

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