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CEN/TC 52 N 2535, Safety of toys - Categorization of slime type materials


This document specifies a test method for categorization of slime-type products / materials to support users of EN 71-3 in the correct categorization of products with slime-like behaviour into the relevant material categories 1 (dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable toy material) or 2 (liquid or sticky toy material). 


There have been long lasting discussions on the correct categorization of slime type products in conjunction with testing those products according to EN 71-3 and the applicability of the correct limit values. Due to their complex behaviour in many cases a clear distinction cannot be made easily to come to a reliable conclusion on category 1 (pliable) or category 2 (liquid).

The purpose of this technical specification is to give some clarification on slimes and their behaviour, methodology for the characterisation as well as an approach for a suitable categorization. It offers an easy-to-use procedure using non-complex equipment or surroundings and provides good precision for an appropriate categorisation. 

Note: in case the WI is based on documents from other organizations than ISO/IEC, please specify it here

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