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CEN/TC 38 Decision C241 Activation of a PWI (revision of EN 370) - EN 370 Decision C241 Activation of a PWI (revision of EN 370) - EN 370 : Wood preservatives - Determination of eradicant efficacy in preventing emergence of Anobium punctatum (De Geer)


This European standard specifies a method for the determination of the curative action of a wood preservative against infestation by Anobium punctatum (De Geer) when the product is applied as a surface treatment to wood.

This method is applicable to any surface applied treatment that is intended to prevent emergence of adult beetles but not intended to kill larvae in infested timber.

NOTE 1 This method may be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73.

NOTE 2 Products intended to kill larvae should be tested by the method described in EN 48.


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