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CEN/TC 134 N2521 CEN TC 134 decision-2021/23: Definition and declaration of recycled content (organic and inorganic) in textile floor coverings.


This European norm defines the content of recycled materials (inorganic and organic) in textile floor coverings (broadloom and tiles) as described in EN 1307.


The use of recyclates will increase in the coming years, and is already used as a specification criteria for textile floorcoverings in specific market segments, either by private stakeholders (Green Building Certification Schemes) or public procurement. Today no precise definition of the term “recycled content” is available, and how to separate between inorganic and organic recycled content in the final product is not defined. Furthermore a clear distinction between reused/recycled internal production waste and external recylates used as input streams for the production is missing.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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