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SyCAAL/227/NP (SRD) Ethical considerations of AI when Applied in the Active Assisted Living (AAL) context


This SRD deals with the ethical implications and moral questions that arise from the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in the Active Assisted Living (AAL) context.

This SRD describes ethical considerations that are relevant when developing AAL systems.

This document provides AAL specific issues related to AI that supplement those ethical considerations already addressed in other AI documents. Examples include the OECD principles of AI and those of the EU High Level Expert Group.

This SRD analyses whether these frameworks for the governance of AI are sufficient to meet the requirements of the AAL environment.

The objective of the ethical assessment is to conclude concrete and clear ethical guidelines that could be used as checklists in AAL system platform design, development and implementation.


AAL ethical guidelines. The general "Ethical Attributes" listed in the document can be used in our AAL ethical guidelines, such as Transparency, Robustness, Respect for Privacy, Fairness, Sustainability, etc.

For example, an issue that is important for AAL, That AAL service providers are human beings and the AAL recipients are also human beings, with some of the AAL service recipients having declined cognitive abilities.

The ethical guidelines for AAL will be thus be more complicated than other disciplines addressed by the IEC. In writing the ethical guidelines for AAL systems, the interaction between the AAL systems and AAL users of the different levels of assistance have to be considered.

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