As the world population continues to age, the special needs/concerns of the AAL care recipients should be understood so that these aspects can be considered in the development of technology and service standards. Ensuring safety of an AAL care recipient is a shared responsibility. Injury prevention can be addressed through design, engineering, manufacturing controls, legislation, education and raising awareness. This guide aims to provide information for consideration by providing specifications related to areas identified based on an extensive series of AAL use cases.
This guide provides guidance to experts who develop and revise standards, specifications and similar publications. This guide identities hazards to be considered when developing standard standards for products and services intended for the Adult AAL Care Recipients. It aims to address potential sources of bodily harm to Adult AAL Care Recipients from products that they use, or which they are likely to come into contact even if not specifically intended for Adult AAL Care recipients.
This Guide provides useful information for auditors and safety inspectors in the absence of a specific standard.
which provides assistance to those looking to develop standards/specifications product intended for use with children, this guide would provide similar information related to AAL care recipients. At the present time there is a lack of guidance related to necessary considerations for this vulnerable but growing group of society.
The guide is intended to aid those developing and revising standards, specifications and similar publications related to Adult Active Assisted Living (AAL) care recipients in their home and similar environments. As the world continues to age, the special needs/concerns of the AAL care recipient should be understood so that these aspects can be considered appropriately.
For example, user interfaces must accommodate those whose sight or hearing may be impaired due to age or injury of implement safety controls to prevent AAL users with dementia from inappropriately directing the AAL technology, system or service. Ensuring the safety of an AAL user is a shared responsibility.
There is challenge in balancing safety of the AAL user due to the wide variety of needs with the various products and environments encountered in their daily activities. Injury prevention can be addressed through design, engineering, manufacturing controls, legislation, education and raising awareness.
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