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CEN/TC 126 N 1319 Laboratory measurement of airborne and structure-borne sound from service equipment – Part 1: Application rules for waste water installations


This standard is a revised version of EN 14366:2004 in which waste water or rain water piping systems are characterized as airborne sound source and structure-borne sound source using the same method as the one described in EN 15657 for characterizing building service equipment. It therefore applies to equipment installed in any type of buildings (heavy or lightweight).

This standard:

- specifies laboratory measuring methods for determining the input data required for both comparing products and materials, and predicting sound levels in buildings using EN 12354- 5. These input quantities are the piping system sound power level for airborne sound and three quantities for structure-borne sound (piping system free velocity, blocked force and mobility), from which the piping system installed (structural) power, input for EN 12354-5, is determined.

- specifies the method for the measurement of the equipment airborne sound power

- only considers piping systems connected to one supporting building element in a first step;

NOTE Simultaneous structure-borne transmissions to wall and floor is more difficult to handle. In the configurations proposed in this standard, the piping system is only connected to one supporting element and mechanically decoupled from the other elements.

- includes configurations of vertical pipes with offset (deviated horizontally) connected to walls and horizontal pipes connected to ceilings, for which the measuring method is the same as the one defined for straight vertical pipes connected to walls.

- specifies laboratory test procedures for determining the performance of mitigation measures such as pipe enclosures (technical shaft) and pipe lining.

- defines the expression of the results for use in comparing products and materials and for use as input data for prediction. Input data for prediction are required in standard EN 12354-5, which predicts the sound pressure levels generated in buildings by the piping system.

- indicates a method to transpose the former quantities obtained using EN 14366:2004, in terms of the new quantities used in the revised standard.

This standard is applicable to waste water piping systems and parts thereof, but not to the actual sources of waste water, e.g. lavatories, toilets and bathtubs or any active units, which are considered separately in EN 12354-5 and shall be characterized separately. It applies to pipes with natural ventilation and made of any common material in commonly used diameters (up to 150 mm).


Standard EN 14366:2004 defines a method for characterizing waste water pipes in laboratory in terms of airborne and structure-borne sound pressure levels, the method being limited to pipes connected to heavy structures. However, waste water installations are service equipment, which can be characterized in laboratory using the more recent standard EN 15657: this standard applies to any airborne and structure-borne sound sources used in any type of buildings (heavy and lightweight) and defines a laboratory measuring method, which leads to quantities expressed in terms of power levels, less confusing than sound pressure levels and input data for the prediction method defined in EN 12354-5 (also being revised for extending prediction to equipment connected to lightweight buildings). So, the first goal will be the writing of a revised standard based on the method defined in EN 15657. Secondly, the possibility of characterizing other configurations of pipes, such as vertical pipes with offset (deviated horizontally) connected to walls or horizontal pipes connected to ceilings, will be added to the scope, the measuring method being the same for these configurations. Finally, the possibility of determining the performance of mitigation measures such as pipe enclosures (technical shaft) and pipe lining will also be added.

The corresponding draft standard is not far from complexion; however, several parts in the latest draft are still under discussion, some parts being incorrect according to the last CEN TC126 WG7 meeting; so only the contents of the last draft will be attached to this proposal.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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