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ISO/IEC NP 22603-2 Information Technology -- Digital representation of product information -- Part 2: Requirements for electronic devices with integral display


The scope of this standard (Part 2) addresses the specific requirements which are applicable to all types of electronic devices with an integral display such as cell phones, computer tablets, desktop and laptop computers, monitors and printers.


National regulators and agencies are currently considering and implementing rules for electronic labeling (FCC in the US and CCC in China are examples) as an alternative to physical labeling with no guiding document to drive standardization. Current regulations and requirements are generally not harmonized and vary greatly in definition and requirements. Without a standard set of rules to promote harmonization, regulators and manufacturers will have a difficult task to take advantage of electronic labeling. Having a published standard to refer to will make it easier for all stakeholders to introduce, define, accept and implement electronic labeling.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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