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BS 8524-1 Active fire curtain barrier assemblies - Part 1: Specification


This part of BS 8524 specifies requirements for the design, testing and classification of active fire curtain barrier assemblies, for installation in accordance with the recommendations of BS 8524-2. It covers the reliability and durability, fire resistance, smoke containment and impact resistance performance of the active fire curtain barrier assemblies, their control devices and ancillary equipment.

The requirements within this part of BS 8524 are applicable to active fire curtain barrier assemblies of any material that are designed to provide fire resistance.

This part of BS 8524 does not cover active smoke barriers, or active fire curtain barrier assemblies that are used only for fire and smoke control as fire doors.

NOTE 1 Smoke barriers, used solely for smoke control, are covered by BS EN 12101-1. Such smoke barriers are not considered to be active fire curtain barrier assemblies within the scope of BS 8524.

NOTE 2 Guidance on fire doors is given in BS 8214. Requirements for fire doors for fire and smoke control are given in prEN 16034 (currently in preparation).


What is the standard intended to achieve?

To assist manufacturers in conforming to a specification and how these products are required to be tested, for accredited test laboratories to ensure compliance to known standards, for accredited certifi-cation bodies to assess conformity of such products.

Who are the intended users? (Please give job roles and industry sectors)

Product manufacturers or suppliers, product maintainers/service providers and building owners, occu-piers and/or end users

Why will users adopt the standard?

To ensure product conformity to an established British Standard and meet Industry Guidance.

Why might they not use it?

Could use basic requirements of Building Regulations guidance and/or standards provided by other in-ternational bodies, i.e. other similar standards. Changes since previous edition

If this project revises, amends or replaces an existing standard, please list the major changes:

General update to standard, remove ambiguity and errors, make text more concise and add additional guidance.

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