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ISO/TC 210 N 1167, ISO/NP 5137 Active Medical Device - Good Engineering Maintenance Management


This standard specifies requirements on good maintenance management of active medical devices.

This standard applies to active medical devices placed for use in any healthcare facility or any other facility which requires maintenance.

This standard is not applicable to any device not intended to be used on humans.


The intended standard is a reference for medical devices during their life-cycle upon being placed for use to ensure:

• their functioning in the intended manner;

• continued safety for the patient and the user; and

• interruptions of use are minimized.

In Malaysia, the standard has been mandatory as a national standard since 2008. The abovementioned benefits have been confirmed in practice. Developing the material as ISO standard will make the benefits accessible to the international community.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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