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CEN/TC 459/SC 8 Measurement of the coating properties of non-oriented electrical steel


This technical report describes the qualification methods, relevant for the non-oriented electrical steel coatings described in EN 10342. In particular, it describes the testing methods, sample preparation, calibration methods, that are necessary to obtain reliable results that can be considered a reference for quality evaluation.


EN 10342 describes the electrical steel coating types.

The electrical steels ordered according to standards EN 10106, EN 10265, EN 10303, EN 10341 are supplied either with or without such a coating.

The measurements necessary to qualify these coatings are based on different standards, which are not necessarily dedicated to electrical steel coatings. The lack of a clear description of which evaluation methods to use, with which calibration methods, sample preparation, etc. brings inconsistency in obtained measurement results. The purpose of this technical report is to overcome the problem of differences in coating qualification results, by combining the aspects of Non-Oriented Electrical Steel coating testing in a clear guideline.

In particular, the non-oriented fully processed electrical steels in high efficiency applications, such as electric traction, benefit from the clarifications that this technical report brings to the specific coating challenges, of such high power density machines.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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