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CEN/TC 148/N 261 Draft proposal (PWI) “Cash desk – Safety”


This document specifies the security requirements for the design of checkout furniture in self-service stores, regardless of the size of the store. Safety requirements apply to both the operator and the public.

This document applies to all types of checkout furniture equipped with electrically powered conveyor(s). It does not deal with computer equipment related to cash register furniture.

This document covers all significant hazardous phenomena, situations or events, with the exception of..., which are relevant to cash registers when used normally and when they are subject to reasonably foreseeable misuse by the manufacturer.

(Risks covered: mechanical, electrical (excluding IT, including controls), electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), ergonomics (refer to standard NF X 35-701 which must evolve into a European standard), hygiene (food contact, REACH, materials, cleaning products), recyclability, fire, noise).


Cash desks are continuous handling machines widely used in food and DIY stores. These machines are in contact with the public and consumer associations have reported accidents with consumers, some of whom are children. A safety standard is needed for manufacturers and users

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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