This document deal with the education, training and competence requirements for the person who working in AAL.
This document’s purpose is to give guidance to the vocational training, education, and competence evaluation of the person working in the field of AAL.
This document applies the working person i.e. AAL consultant, AAL technical expert, AAL technical assistant and AAL care assistant.
According to ISO 9001 the working person’s competency is an essential factor that will affect the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system. It’s necessary to ensure these persons are competent on appropriate education, training, or exercise.
The working person's competency in AAL field ,will be an essential factor in AAL quality management system. From help client to choose a suitable system , to system integration, configuration, installation, maintenance and other service in AAL system life cycle, the working person’s knowledge and skills can affect the performance and effectiveness of the AAL system’s functionality, even cause safety and security problems.
In order to ensure AAL working person’s competence, it’s necessary for them to complete particular education and training course related demography, assistive technology and AAL system based on a standard curriculum to obtain the necessary knowledge and skill.
Based on international standards’ attributes of applying cross-border, and facilitating international trade, this document will be helpful and beneficial at :
- Identify and detail different person’s responsibilities and duties who working in AAL.
- Identify the professional skill and knowledge for the persons working in AAL should have.
- Provides guidance for the education and training in AAL systems, as well as help the AAL stakeholders to choose, develop, build, use and maintain the system and service.
- It is the precondition for the AAL system to run normally and guarantee aspects of safety, security, privacy , reliability, usability and accessibility .
- Facilitates AAL system’s acceptance by the user, and supports its market application.
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