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CEN/TC 249 N2413 Draft decision 724 - NWIP "Static thermoplastic tanks for above ground storage of liquid fuels - Product characteristics and test methods" PWI proposal in replacement of WI 00249A23 (WG 25) (see N2412 for CEN NWIP form)


This document specifies the product characteristics and the corresponding test methods for static thermoplastic tanks made of:

— blow moulded polyethylene, or

— rotationally moulded polyethylene, or

— rotationally moulded anionically polymerized polyamide 6, with or without factory assembled reinforcement. The products covered by this European Standard:

— are intended to be used for internal or external installations, for above ground storage of fuels limited to kerosene, heating oil, diesel, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and bioliquids (containing up to 15 % FAME);

— have a maximum filling capacity from 400 l up to and including 10 000 l, except for those made of anionically polymerized polyamide 6 where the maximum filling capacity will be limited to 3 000 l;

— are subject to atmospheric pressure but not to any external loading (e.g. installation, wind and snow, earthquakes, flooding);

— are not manufactured using recycled thermoplastic material;

— are not manufactured using regrind thermoplastic material for rotationally moulded tanks;

— are not manufactured using more than 50 % of regrind thermoplastic material for blow moulded tanks.

This document does not include tanks for the transport and distribution of fuels or gasses, or tanks for the storage of gas.

Flammable fuels with a flash point > 55 °C as determined by EN ISO 2719:2016 are eligible for storage in the tanks described in this standard without further provisions.


WI 000249A23 Work is progressing and following CEN enquiry and a negative assessment from HAS, the project requires more time to resolve the issues. Also the 2nd revised Answer to the mandates needs to be approved as it addresses modifications to the scope, title and characteristics (including proxies) in this proposed revision.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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