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ISO/TC 31 N1128 ISO/NP 24469 Road wear test of studded tyres


Test process description of measuring the wear caused to the road surface by studded pneumatic tyres designed primarily, but not only vehicles in categories M1, N1, O1 and O2.


The road wear test of studded tyres is used to determine the road wear effect of a stud-tyre combination. As well known, studded tyres cause roads to wear. However, advanced tyre and stud designs can be used to reduce this phenomenon and this proposed test method serves as a good indicator of road wear rate.

This test method is useful to a number of organizations and even to consumers. Clear environmental benefits can also be gained by testing the studded tyres against road wear.

Standardized and internationally recognized test method ensures harmonization and more vide use of the test method throughout countries and this proposed standard can also be used to support regulatory work.

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Please email further comments to: debbie.stead@bsigroup.com

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